The Hot Cars Act of 2016
The Hot Cars Act of 2016
Autonomous Vehicles Need In-Cabin Cameras to Monitor Drivers
Autonomous Vehicles Need In-Cabin Cameras to Monitor Drivers As Published on IEEE Spectrum October 4, 2016 There is no...
Jedi Force or Ambient Technology?
Jedi Force or Ambient Technology? Imagine for a second, that you are a Jedi and have this invisible force...
The Autonomous Driving Handoff
The Autonomous Driving Handoff Autonomous driving is a truly exciting proposition that holds a lot of promise for...
Driver Distraction Awareness Month
Driver Distraction Awareness Month You may have heard that April is Driver Distraction Awareness month. Over the past few...
Texas Instruments’ Vision Comparison
Texas Instruments’ Vision Comparison I recently noticed that Texas Instruments (TI) updated their Time-of-Flight (ToF) imaging web page, and...
Distracted Driving: Technology Can Stop What It Started
Distracted Driving: Technology Can Stop What It Started As Pulitzer Prize Winning Author and New York Times Journalist,...
Mobile Box Dimensioning
Mobile Box Dimensioning Just this past summer, both UPS and FedEx announced plans to begin charging for ground-shipped packages...
Serious Computer Vision
Serious Computer Vision Computer vision has never seemed to live up to the hype or potential that Hollywood...
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